Survival of the Most Adaptable
Together, let's explore the biological, psychological and spiritual aspects of a pandemic. I'm compelled to offer resources that from my perspective may equip you with a new frame of reference for this phenomena. I invite you to open your mind, and more importantly your heart, to the opportunity to adapt to the current climate, and evolve to create something new. Please keep in mind that this is my perspective based on years of personal and professional studies, training and experiences that have contributed to a deep knowledge that we are designed to thrive, especially in the most challenging circumstances. Please note that I am not an expert on Covid-19, nor do I give advice. Rather, I offer educational resources to empower you to make wise and educated decisions about your health and well-being, and that of your loved ones.
We begin with Gregg Braden's new video on COVID-19 and the science we all need to know! Watch here…
You have simple tools at your fingertips that can support your body's capacity to thrive in hostile conditions. Here are the top 5 things you can do today to build immunity.
1. End your showers with cold water in the morning and evening!
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2. Meditate each morning with Intentional Breathing! What if you could change the way you feel, think and act by changing the way you breathe?
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3. Move your body outside every day! 15 minutes is all it takes—less is more!
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4. Learn about the one nutrient that China is researching for possible treatment of the virus!
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5. It is important to know your body clock and honor the rhythm of your biology. Honoring your circadian rhythm is more powerful than you think!
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Most of our current systems exist in a fear based paradigm and therefore cannot be sustained. Fear of a real threat or danger is our innate protective mechanism and is healthy. However, most other fear breads dis-harmony and dis-ease. Here are some ways to train your mind to process fear in a healthy way:
1. Develop a new relationship with your body-mind. This takes deliberate effort, focus and silence! Your body is an incredibly sophisticated communication system, where organs, nerves and cells are in constant dialogue with each other. When this communication system is disrupted, your internal environment is at risk for dis-ease! Learn how to use your mind to connect with these innate messages and harness the skills to know what your body needs to superpower your immunity.
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2. If you are feeling overwhelmed, anxious and/or depressed, it's understandable! ‘Tapping’ is an effective tool to calm the central nervous system. It's simple and free!
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3. Staying connected with your community and loved ones is mental medicine. Engage in one of the many platforms of staying connected. Write them a letter or call…your heart will be healthier for it!
Spiritual and cultural traditions point to a time in history when all systems will collapse—"The End of This System of Things"! Financially, the bull markets fall. Leaders in healthcare have openly announced that the current system is the only business that is rewarded for outcomes that have failed the public for decades. Politically, we are experiencing unprecedented polarities and confusion. It's time to build a new capacity for resilience and take full advantage of the opportunity to gather intimacy with our Creator. We are being forced to rely on something so much greater than we can ever comprehend to guide us through to new systems and ultimately a new world. Here are some ways to maintain spiritual health:
1. Prayer: Praying for one another and the planet has evidence-based research to assure you of it's power! See the latest research on prayer from Lynn McTaggart's book, "The Power Of 8".
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2. Cultivating faith—the biology of belief: Stay on the bright side of life. Living in unprecedented global challenges is the greatest opportunity for change. If we recognize the potential for personal and collective responsibility, we will get through this and emerge stronger, wiser and more alive.
By Carolina McFarland