Master The Art and Science of Well Being
A Mindset Model of Choice
All the best intentions are often thwarted…
All of the choices you’ve made along the way have brought you to this point!
The consequences of those choices may be positive and elevated you, or negative and even destructive. Categorizing either as good or bad isn’t necessarily useful. Often what appears to be the wrong decision and a stumbling block can be the very thing that creates a quantum leap in your growth and offers a new perspective of the world.
What is useful is to understand not so much WHY you make choices…rather from WHERE or WHAT part of you they are made. Are they rooted in the historical or hysterical past, or from present moment intuition and wisdom? Are they based in the conscious or subconscious part of the mind, or one of your many sub-personalities that are complex and misunderstood? We all have them!
The Discovery program offers a fresh way to explore your Psychological Blueprint and the role it has on your biology. Often, the very thing we think is a weakness in our personality is actually a bio-chemical imbalance and/or nutrient deficiency. The opposite is also true as what we think is a biological imbalance is actually a characteristic that needs to be strengthened.
For example, you may crave chocolate daily, feel addicted to it and condemn yourself for not having the will power to resist it, when the truth is that you are deficient in nutrients that balance your neurotransmitters, including dopamine, serotonin and epinephrine. Adding a nutrient can eliminate cravings, bring your brain back to balance and have you foster compassion for yourself as you gain a deeper understanding of where your choices originate.
The Language of the Mind…It’s Relational
All relationships are rooted in relation to self. When you identify what parts of you are actively engaged in any situation, we can identify the characteristics that may be dominating and invite you to connect with your authentic self instead. The Discovery Coaching Program is fluid and invites open dialogue to explore this process—empowering you in your choices and achieving your goals.
AUTHENTIC SELF - Calm, Clear, Connected, Compassionate, Courageous, Curious, Creative, Confident
EXILE - Wounded Parts, Inner Critic, Rebel, Food Indulger, Isolator
MANAGER PARTS - Perfectionist, Caretakers, Judge, Self-Critic, Planner
FIREFIGHTER - Protective Parts, Media Addiction, Obsession, Disassociation
Reclaiming Emotional Intelligence
“The ONLY way in which anyone can lead us…is to restore to us the belief in our own guidance!” Henry Miller
When you begin to listen to your body and turn towards your symptoms, you can glean valuable insights that lead to healing. The mind, emotions, stress levels and perspective play a vital role in the health and life of your cells. Once the mind-body connection is understood, you recognize your capacity for self-agency and self-regulation. Mindfulness, meditation and breath-work are the perfect place to begin.